September 7, 2004
I Hope I'm Wrong.
As if Episodes 1 and 2 weren't bad enough, and as if the title of the Episode 3 isn't enough of a travesty, George Lucas is continuing his mad desire to completely destroy all that is good about Star Wars. If even half of the rumors are true, then Lucas has once again destroyed a masterpiece. Even the thought of cleaning up the old school special effects is like vomit in my mouth. But removing the old Anakin and replacing him with Hayden at the end of RotJ is unacceptable. Does this man really think that he's doing a good thing? Does he really think that he's making Star Wars better? Does he really believe that he's doing something other than completely desecrating Star Wars? What is he thinking? Why is he doing this? For the love of all things holy, George, stop this madness? At least include the original versions on the new DVD. But from what I've gathered, he won't even do that. Damn you, George! Damn you!
Posted by Narzack on September 7, 2004 at 05:56 PM | 7 Dropkicked
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