February 8, 2005
It's a crime
If you could go back, and live one day over again, would you? What day would it be, and why? I'm interested to see what you people have to say. I mean, there must be SOME day that was just so perfect that you could do it over and over again. Or maybe, you know that if you could change ONE thing, your life would be alot different.
Posted by Narzack on February 8, 2005 at 08:55 PM | 17 Dropkicked
Anonymous (guest)

I think I'd like to go back to some tennis ball wars, before everyone got so lost from each other, and I think I'd like to try to preserve that more... somehow... Those days were so beautiful in their innocence, really and truly we were all just so... pure, like light... we were just... kids, I guess is all I can think of to describe us. I'd like that back, to some degree. When there was still promise without the memory of rejection or loss.......

As for a day I would like to live over so I could change something... I would go back to the orginal confrontation and prevent it from ever happening. That one moment caused endless problems and heartache for so many people that I wish I would have just swallowed the words and let him continue to live in blissful ignorance.

Yea, that is a day I would like to live over.


The first: Not even a day, but a single instant. In this instant the world consisted of only him and I. No other sights or sounds just him. He smiled at me and facing each other he took both my hands and I couldn't contain my glee. It was the perfect end to the perfect day. The day of the couch fort in the lounge.
The second: The problem I need to fix and don't know how... it was a sunday and she was drunk and I didn't notice when she had a breakdown later that night. I DID NOT know. And now everyone is mad at everyone else.


I think it would have to be the day I had the chance to say everything, but said all the wrong things. I had no idea it would change everything. But then again, had things been different, I most likely would be without much of the knowledge I now have. I'm not sure which is better, as far as reality is concerned.

But I think I'd relive James's graduation day. Or maybe that night we broke the light in your basement.
Anonymous (guest)



Good question!
