My Best Friend
I don't think I've ever really talked about Haley on this journal. I know that I have mentioned her before, but nothing really substantial. Personally, I believe that entire books should be written about her. Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary talent or skill to do her justice. So, I will do what I can. She does deserve the best. You see, she came into my life at a very crucial time. When we met, I was a very angry, bitter, and unhappy person. I was miserable, I was shatterhearted, and I hated the cesspool in which I lived. I was absolutely discontented and depressed. Then, the best thing that has ever happened to me arrived. Imagine a girl who is absolutely brilliant, creative, funny, delightful, beautiful, witty, and infectiously joyful. Not only that, but she's a nerd. She games, she watches movies, and even reads comic books. Speaking of reading: she's voracious. She loves to read. AND! AND! AND! Write. It's incredible. Anyway, we meet and immediately I know there is something special about this girl. We continue to talk and play and talk and talk and talk. Things happen. To me. I feel a growing joy. I begin to feel myself smiling when I wake. I begin to enjoy being alive. I begin to laugh. And it's glory. So, now, here I am. Going to school. Because of her. Hanging out with friends. Because of her. Happy. Because of her. You guys don't understand. This girl is special. She's rare and precious and my best friend in all the worlds. She has red hair. She's the prettiest girl in the world. I've taken to holding her as the standard of beauty. To me, all other girls will be nothing more than second place. She writes. She writes bloody well. She loves it and she cannot stop. She writes daily, and it's good. I love to read what she writes. It's like having my own personal Ray Bradbury. We watch movies together. This girl shares my own love of film AND filmmaking. We share in each other's excitement. She and I, we feed off each other. You see, we get excited about the same things. That's never really happened to me. Not like this. We can talk about books that we've read, songs we've heard, movies we've just seen. Heck, we can even talk about videogames. It's glorious madness. She's brilliant. Dadgummit, that's the best thing. She's not dumb. Not in any way. You guys, she has a mind. A strong mind that she exercises every day. I like to listen to her. I like to hear her speak. Plus, and I know this delights Mom, she never lets me rest my own mind. Usually, it's through making fun of me and firing off snappy witticisms, but it's also through making me question my own assumptions about everything. I crave intellectual stimulation, and I get that from her. You know, one of the things that first drew me to her was that she listened to me. She didn't immediately discount my thoughts, as many other did. She didn't automatically assume that I have no idea what I'm talking about, even when I don't. She's caring. She listens to me, and I don't know if she knows how much that means to me. She remembers things that I tell her. I can't describe how good that makes me feel. And, I would have starved to death long ago. She takes good care of me, even when I'm horrid and she doesn't have to. I owe her everything. She's the best part of my life. Hay, I love you. Thanks for being so good to me for so long.

Cori (guest)

Thanks, m'sweets. You know how to pull a gal out of a slump.