For Gogas
First off, I must reiterate my love for the work of Stephen Baxter. Second, I'm prepping for Jake's Mage: The Ascension game, and getting super stoked to play a Son of Ether. I was going to do a few hours with Lord of the Rings Online tonight, but I got caught up doing research and reading up for my scientist character. I got that old fashioned, science-y, nerdy feeling, and couldn't stop.
So, yes. Instead of playing LOTRO, I am reading articles on superstring, CTC, Supergravity, M-Theory, and branes. It's pretty cool. To quote the Bill Nye opening: "Science rules."
Yes, it does, disembodied voice. Yes, it does.
Space, Science, Theoretical Physics, Astronomy, Cosmology, and Futurology are the most exciting things in the word.
EDIT: Futurology, not futurism. Not the same thing at all.
Today, June 10, 2008 is a day that will live forever.
For it is the day that I finally made a successful landing in the NES version of Top Gun. Yes. It's true.
This whole Limbo of the Lost deal is pretty interesting. While I'm not as rabid as a lot of people seem to be, bloodthirsty lot that they are, I do think that it's all in rather poor taste. I'm actually quite interested to see what Majestic Studios has to say about the whole thing. I wonder if it's all just a publicity stunt.
Kinda like Duke Nukem Forever.
Anyway, if all the allegations are true, then they've stolen from close to fifteen games and even a few movies. I don't know how much of it can be proven, though.
Stan Winston. A legend.