Mage The Awakening- This Is How The World Ends
“Ailish, do you ever wonder if numbers are alive? Like, somewhere out there is a sentient four?”
“Kellin, where do you come up with these ideas? What does that even mean?”
“Well, you know. Like, maybe someday, you’ll be walking down the road, and you’ll see an eight, just walking. He’ll look at you and say, ‘Howdy, m’am.’” Kellin said. He looked at his friend, who was dangling her feet in the water, gently kicking them back and forth.
She stared into the water, seeking an answer to a question she didn’t know how to ask. A bird called overhead. Sunlight glinted off the water.
Kellin looked away, unsure of the turmoil in Ailish’s head. He cast his line into the water, tracing with his eyes the path from his fishing rod to the bobber. He was quiet, thinking, watching the fish dart under the tiny waves.
“I can’t sleep anymore.” Ailish said, finally, quietly. Her dainty toes swirled around, causing tiny eddies.
Kellin kept his eyes on the bobber. He’d never heard that tone from her before. It bespoke of ageless terror, a fear that would not subside in the light.
“Do you remember that night? When I looked into the well?” She asked, looking at him.
He swallowed. Nodded. He felt a tug on his line. He gave it a half-hearted pull, and then gave up. Dropped it.
“It doesn’t matter, Ailish! It doesn’t! That was just a stupid dream.” He exclaimed, advancing on her, fear driving him.
She shook her head slowly, sadly. Still sitting, she looked up to him. “No, Kellin. It was real. And I’m scared. I’m so scared. I’ve never been this afraid in my life. Not even when Momma was so sick.”
Kellin felt his anger and frustration drain from him. In its place, a fierce desire to protect. Once again, he gathered her up in his arms, pulling her close. She was trembling. He clutched her tight, clinging to his dearest friend.
It was then that the world ended.
“You’ll never save her, Kardiphos. This one will die. The light of Shea will die. And you will watch them breathe their last.”
It was a voice from hell. The wails of mothers, the desperate cries of children, the broken sobs of fathers all rose within the voice. It was the growl of a starving wolf, the hiss of a venomous viper. It was evil. It was malice given voice.
Within his embrace, Kellin felt Ailish stiffen. Her breathe quickened; short, fast intakes. He stroked her back, whispering. “Shhh, close your eyes, Ailish. Close your eyes. Nothing can hurt you when I’m around.”
A lie.
Kellin turned, facing the hell-voice. A monstrous wolf crouched, not four feet from him. It was black, its eyes aglow with hatred. Its hackles stood on end, fangs glistening with malevolence. It was massive, easily four times the size of any wolf Kellin had ever seen. The beast hissed, a terrifying sound.
The hound of nightmares glared at him, hateful, scorching yellow vapour spewing from its nostrils. It spoke again.
“The girl is mine, Kardiphos. The world will fall and break and you will wander alone forever.”
Kellin heard Ailish gasp his name and begin to weep.
“No.” He said. His heart was thundering, his blood boiling. He was scared now. More terrified than he’d ever been in his life. His body shook violently. He knew the beast was not merely a wolf. It was an embodiment of hatred and malice. A creature with no name, not true from. And it had come for Ailish.
“No!” He screamed at it. He balled his fists, enraged. His fury burned away his fear, and he knew only rage. Rage that this demon would threaten all that was pure in his world. “NO! YOU’LL NEVER TOUCH HER!”
The wolf raised its snout to the heavens and howled, cursing them, perhaps.
It charged.
Kellin roared his defiance and hurled himself forward.
The beast slammed into him, jaws snapping and gnashing. He wrapped his arms around its massive body, fur like needles stabbing into his flesh. He screamed as the beast bore him to the ground. Vaguely, he heard Ailish scream. The hellborn jaws snapped at his neck, and he wrenched his head away, feeling the fangs rake hisneck. Claws dug into his chest, white hot pain lancing into him. He punched it once, twice, three, seven times, howling in pain and anger. Boiling saliva dripped onto his face, and the beast wrenched itself from his grip.
His chest bleeding fire, Kellin pushed himself to his feet, ready to meet the wolf again. Its demonic eyes glared eternal hatred at him and it leaped at him. He felt a titanic paw slam into his face, murderous talons raking across his face. His vision exploded in white light as lances of pain stabbed into his skull. He heard Ailish scream again and the monster slammed its colossal head into his chest. He heard, felt something crack in his chest and he flew backwards. He slammed into a tree and slumped down, unable to breathe. He tried to push himself to his feet. Felt the bones in his legs snap. He fell.
He heard Ailish scream, call his name. Blood streamed into his eyes, blinding him. He crawled toward the sound of her voice. He howled.
“Kellin! Kellin, please help me!” Ailish’s voice was desperate, and he knew he would never make it to her in time. “KELLIN! KELLIN!”
The wolf roared.
Ailish screamed.
The world ended.