Entries for September, 2010

As  we continue, I find that I enjoy broadcasting on Justin.tv more and more.  At first, I was hesitant and nervous, thought it would be a complete wash.  Here we are now, a month on and going strong.  I'm digging it.  It's still embarrassing to be so bad at videogames in front of a bunch of viewers, but hey, not all of us can do a three heart, no damage, crowbar only, insane difficulty, no powerups, no save, eyes-closed run.  But we have a good number of loyal-and international- viewers, and they seem to really like the channel.  We can even do a skype co-commentary, which is cool.

 Just gotta get all the kinks worked out with the capture card, and we'll be able to stream console games, too.  And, in a few months, Bailey will be broadcasting, too.  Neat-o.


Currently listening to: Burning Question- Armored Saint
Currently reading: Unseen Academicals- Terry Pratchet
Currently feeling: hopeful
Posted by Narzack on September 12, 2010 at 05:12 PM | 4 Dropkicked

*whew*  Good Old Games had me worried for a few days.  Glad it's back.  Also, I spent the weekend in New Orleans at the Roosevelt Waldorf Astoria.   That was cool.

Posted by Narzack on September 27, 2010 at 12:17 PM | Get some!
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