First off, I’m a total Civ noob. Don’t really understand a lot of the intricacies and mechanics, don’t have a firm grasp on the different elements of play. I have something like 14 hours in it, a good chunk of that from the cast, spouting nonsense about pincer movements and the like.
I first tried to load up a game I’d started when I first bought the game, and quickly found myself overwhelmed and with no real idea of the strategy I’d planned. So, I decided to start up a new game. Small map. Pangea. Four players. I’d play as America, the closest thing I could figure to Canadia. The players turned out to be me, France, Songhai, and the Huns.
I started out building my cities and sending a settler or two out. Before long, I came across France. We seemed to be okay with each other. Sometime soon after that, I settled a city within site of his. A few turns later he tells me not to settle near him. I agree to his terms. I return to my civ building, creating military units, workers, a few works, and the like. I have a few sorties with the barbarian tribes, earning respect and gratitude from the city-states scattered across the map.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, France denounces me. What the heck? I think. I haven’t gone anywhere near them. I take a bit of a stiff-necked approach to the response. I tell them they’ll regret it. At this point, my main city, Washington is on the northern coast, France is to the southeast, just east of my outlier city, tiny Philadelphia. A few turns later, and France declares war on me.
They send an army to march on Philadelphia, which is barely defended. I scramble the few units I have south to meet their attack. The city itself bunkers down for war. Many turns pass as the French aggressors break themselves on the walls of Philadelphia, my citizens fighting with a ferocity that surprises even me. Undermanned and alone, Philadelphia is besieged for a number of turns. Both my other cities are struggling to train up soldiers, but it doesn’t seem like they’ll be able to send them south in time.
Suddenly, France pulls back, allowing my defenders to fortify until healed. They launch another offensive, once more meeting the staunch defenders under my banner. Shockingly, France sues for peace. Their terms are tremendously generous, and I, relieved that my tiny city survived and bested the impressive French army, agree to their request.
But I do not forget.
Years pass as I continue my advance. I build more cities, train troops, and expand my borders. Before long, our borders are touching. France tells me not to settle near them. Remembering what happened last time, I resist their demands and begin assembling my troops on the border. I want to draw them into a war. This does not go unnoticed and France publicly denounces me. I ally myself with the city-states nearby and buy more land near France.
As expected France declares war, as I’d hoped. The war that follows is lengthy and savage. I tear apart their outlying cities and slowly and with some losses, advance to the coast, besieging their last two cities. While at war with France, Songhai wants me to declare war on the Huns, who had previously attacked a city-state I’d allied with. I had sent them some troops and beat back the aggressors. However, I tell Songhai that I will in time. I don’t want to fight a two front war. Eventually, after heavy fighting, France is defeated.
I declare war on the Huns, like I promised Songhai. I have a few troops far to the east, far from my own empire, near another city-state. The Huns settle near them and try to build a new city. I immediately attack it with archers and scouts. The Huns quickly buckle and sue for peace, offering me considerable wealth and the contested city. I accept and begin to manage this city in the far east. I notice that their capital is just across the border. When our treaty is over, I declare war and swiftly subdue their defenses and easily capture their capital. The Huns are no more.
With only Songhai and me left, I am content to seek a cultural victory. However, before too much time has passed, one of my cities is suddenly converted to Songhai’s religion. Shocked, I discover that he had a prophet in my land. I send my own holy man to the city to convert them back. Then, after the holy man leaves to spread religion to one of my cities, Boston is converted again. I return and reestablish my religion. After that, it’s New York which is converted to Songhai’s. I attempt to tell Songhai not to send his prophets into my cities. Shockingly, my request is refused. Enraged, I denounce Songhai and am denounced in turn. War is again on the horizon.
Currently listening to: Haley playing Magic
Currently reading: The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Currently feeling: good