Hitting that struggle spot again.  I’m working on this month’s story for The Stinklings and I’m just plain stuck.  I reread what I have so far, and I realized that I’m just stumbling through, hurrying to get to a plot point.  And it shows.  So, I deleted about two pages worth of stuff and am trying to rewrite the whole clumsy mess.  This is all difficult for me, because writing use to come without any effort.  I would just get an idea in my head, grab a notebook, and go.  Granted, I didn’t write with the ease and volume that Haley did, but I still wrote a fair bit.  Now, even though I feel like I can do it again, it’s taken effort.  Effort that I’m not used to employing when it comes to this. 


That’s alright, though.  I guess I just need to keep working at it.  And as long as I keep a positive sort of mind about it, I should be okay.  No sense in getting discouraged and giving up for another six, seven years.  When it gets like this, I just write a blog entry, which is kind of my cheat, I suppose.  Anyway, back to the grind.

Currently listening to: I Don't Know Who I Am Anymore- sloopygoop
Currently reading: Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman
Currently feeling: annoyed
Posted by Narzack on August 22, 2013 at 02:36 PM | Get some!
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