It's not often that I can convince my lady to watch a Hong Kong film with me. Usually to her they are corny, and violent. But she really enjoyed Fulltime Killer. As did I. Sure, it was basically and Asian version of Assassins(Stallone-Banderas), but some of the stylistic techniques, were just bloody slick. And any movie that has a man's kneecaps being blown out in slow-mo isn't going to hold back anything. Yeah, it's a bit gory. Yeah, it's a bit violent. Yeah, Kelly Lin is a beauty. But, still, after all that, I still thought it was really good movie.
Posted by Narzack on August 12, 2003 at 01:51 PM | 1 Dropkicked

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on August 12th, 2003 at 10:29 PM
This is my second favorite movie of all time.

HERE is a post on my message board about my thoughts on the movie in general.
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