I watched The Matrix: Revolutions last night. Well, it was really this morning, but that's not important. I can't say I liked it, and I can't say I didn't like it. That kind of bothers me. It wasn't a terrible movie. But it was no Return of the King, either. Some parts I really liked. I liked the concept of the Super Brawl between Neo and Agent Smith. Some elements of that fight were fantastic. I must say that I was a fan of the Dark City-esque aerial combat. However, other parts of that fight weren't so good. Such as some of the blows landed. I didn't like how the actual hit didn't look or feel powerful at all, but it would send the combatant flying backwards. And speaking of flying, when Agent Smith flew at Neo in the crater. . .terrible. If you've seen the shot, you'll know what I'm talking about. Let's not even talk about some of the most ridiculous and thick dialogue in recent memory.

Of course I liked the defense of Zion. Giant armored suits with gratiutious amounts of ammo? What's there to not like? That battle alone would make an amazing videogame.

Speaking of videogames, I watched the little documentary on The Matrix Online. It doesn't seem to be introducing anything new to the MMORPG (Masssively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) field. The build they showed was kind of ugly. The character models didn't look good, and the whole world looked spare and empty. Granted, they might popluate it alot, but it still looks barren. As in Enter the Matrix, the gunplay looked weak, but the hand to hand combat looks like it will be pretty cool. Other than that, I'll just have to wait for it to come out to make a real judgement.

All of this brings me to my dilema. When the first Matrix came out, I loved the movie. I thought the story, the action, the special effects were all awesome. But then I saw Reloaded and hated all things Matrix. Now that the Matrix saga is allegedly over, I feel distraught. How could something that I liked so much turn into a piece of crap that I hate with a passion? It's almost like my relationship with Star Wars. But at least with Star Wars, the games have generally maintained a high level of quality. So, I have come to a decision. I am going to try to rediscover my love for the Matrix. Godspeed.

I hope I can do it.

EDIT- My last entry was my attempt at an April Fool's Joke. Suckers.
Currently listening to: Demon Hunter-Turn Your Back and Run
Posted by Narzack on April 3, 2004 at 10:20 PM | 5 Dropkicked

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Matrix Reloathed (guest)

Comment posted on April 4th, 2004 at 06:14 AM
The underlying appeal of the Matrix is the idea that there is something more than what we see in our daily life. Mankind craves such knowledge, and Hollywood sometimes delivers. But then they try to milk it for profit. Don\'t ever expect Hollywood to get it right.

And, keep in mind, the top two movies of this year, both of which tap into the desire for \"something more\" were both made OUTSIDE the \"normal Hollywood\" methodology.

Hollywood is dead. They just haven\'t quit moving yet. That twitching you see is just because Gimli\'s axe is buried in their nervous system.
Comment posted on April 4th, 2004 at 05:03 PM
wise words. I\'m still holding out for a Holywood comeback. 29 films are headed for wide release in april. The odds are most of them will suck...but a few will be decent, maybe acouple will even be good. Studio\'s need to start tightening up abit.
And stop automatically greenlighting a sequel for every movie that does $50 mil domestic!!!
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Comment posted on April 5th, 2004 at 12:21 AM
It\'s clear that my guiding hand is needed in Hollywood.
Comment posted on April 3rd, 2004 at 11:28 PM
Good luck on your quest. I could never go back. I try to watch the first one, try to remember what it was like to be just \'The Matrix\' and not the dispicable bloated mass of suck that the sequels made it. But I fear it is lost...
Comment posted on April 3rd, 2004 at 11:38 PM
I believe it can be done.