So, today was a bloody good day. Unfortunately, I think I spent a fair bit of money, but it was for a good cause. First off, I found a CD that I've been trying to find for nigh three and a half years. And it only cost me about six dollars. Score. Then, I bough three books. One of them I'm really bloody excited about. It's called The Elegant Universe, and it's all about the unified theory of the universe, string theory, quantum mechanics and all that exciting jazz. The other two were Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams and Equal Rites by Terry Pratchet.

I found the cd at Dave's, here in Oakland. It's a pretty sweet little cove, I'd completely recommend it to anyone. However, the other music store I checked, CD Warehouse sucked balls. Don't go there. I also ventured into Avalon. It was actually pretty cool there, Nikki would really like it.

I got out of the apartment for a good three hours today, I actually liked it. I should do it more often. Of course, I won't be able to spend money like that every day, but it was cool. Fortunately, I got the books at a used and rare bookstore, so they weren't too expensive.

Oh yeah, I also beat Spiderman 2.

But, the bootom line is that I had a good day. I feel good about it.

That is all.
Posted by Narzack on October 19, 2004 at 11:42 PM | 1 Dropkicked

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Cori (guest)

Comment posted on October 20th, 2004 at 04:35 PM
Good for you! You needed to get out! Dont spend too much money :).
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