SWG vs. WoW. A grudge match to the death. Wretched.
Posted by Narzack on October 12, 2005 at 01:32 PM | 3 Dropkicked
Comment posted on October 12th, 2005 at 03:07 PM
Yeah, I was reading the forums and everyone is complaing about how the CU screwed everything up. The forums are full of doomsayers and negativity. But, it seems so open-ended to me. Of course, I only just bought it a few days ago. I dunno, I do like having the option of the two. I do quite enjoy the JtL features. I've always been a space combat nerd, especially the X-Wing series of games.

What server do you play on, WoW-style?
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Comment posted on October 13th, 2005 at 12:55 AM
The air of being in the SW universe was ultimately what brought me to the game. Hell, I even beefed my computer to "uber" status cause I wanted to play the game so damn bad. But once I was really into it, I realized that it was a very simplified level grind, and the things I liked about it most were all the nifty little extras about being a part of that universe. I did not feel the need to spend 8 hours killing the same creatures so I could gain Teras Kasi Master. heh, JTL seemed pretty cool though, but not enough to bring me back. And I hate SOE very much.

But I digress.... On wow, I have a slew of toons on Lothar, but started playing w/a cousin and some people on Scarlet Crusade. It's an RP server, but the people there are far more mature, so it's pretty cool. Just about to get my mount there, so maybe afterwards I'll start an alt on yours.
Comment posted on October 12th, 2005 at 02:58 PM
sorry dude, last post was from me.