First off, this is not the entry that I promised my mom.  That will come in a few days.  This is just a basic update on what’s been going on with me lately.

To start things off, I graduated from Full Sail.  Yes, that is correct.  I now hold a BS in Film.  It feels pretty good.  It was an intense 21 months of non-stop schooling, but it was worth it.  The farther I get from it, the more I realize that I got a really good, really valuable education.  Granted, it was very expensive, but I’ve really been applying much of what I learned to the couple of jobs of taken. 

Actually, to be honest, neither I, nor Jon Morfino, attended our graduation ceremony.  Why?  We had a shoot.  We were the documentary crew on the Fireball Run, which is a cross-country rally for the Child Rescue Network.  That was from September 27th- October 7th.  Graduation was on the 5th.  It was a the best reason to miss school ever.  It was shot on HD, and is in the editing room right now for Discovery Channel HD.  SCORE!

After I got back, I went on a three day victory cruise with my friends.  It was awesome.  The room service was free, and 24 hours a day.  YES.  From there, I went up north to visit the family for a week.

Last week, I went to Tulsa with Gorgonzola and Sonny to shoot a live webstream of the ABA Grand Nationals.  It was really fun.  I made a good bit of money for that, and, boy, did I work for it.  Two days after that, I ended up on another shoot with Gorgonzola.  It was a profile of Brian Johnson of AC/DC for a Formula 1 show overseas.  We got a work with a director from Hong Kong named Dean Head, as well as mingle with a lot of wealthy people.

Now, I’m home.  Just taking it easy for a few weeks.

Currently reading: The Mole People by Jennifer Toth
Currently watching: The Office-Season Three
Currently feeling: content
Posted by Narzack on December 8, 2007 at 10:44 PM | 3 Dropkicked

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Comment posted on December 9th, 2007 at 10:19 AM
*hugs* Congrats. Best of luck, in everything.

Anonymous (guest)

Comment posted on December 19th, 2007 at 10:47 AM
Who ARE you? Aren't you, like, someone's annoying ex-girlfriend? Why are you posting on here? Seriously.
Comment posted on December 9th, 2007 at 06:57 AM
WOW! Sounds exciting. That's great to hear :)