Often, I get very frustrated with Christianity.  Westboro Baptist Church, especially.  I mean, they can't be the good guys.  Their methods and actions and words are so abhorent.  I can't accept that they're doing a good thing.  Shirley Phelps-Roeper said, in Louis Theroux's documentary, that their mission isn't to win souls to Christ. 


What?  Isn't that our explicit commandment?  To spread the Good News?  That's not what they do.  They condemn and curse and take vicious pleasure in it.  There is no Gospel with them.  I just don't get it.  They confuse me.


Also, when did we lose our ability to think and discern and view things with discretion?  I think I'm just frustrated with my own faith as a whole.  Maybe not my faith, maybe just more the things that are done in its name.  Maybe just the constant idiocy perpetrated by my fellow Christians.  I dunno.  Maybe it's just the same questioning of faith that every Christian endures.

Currently feeling: depressed
Posted by Narzack on May 9, 2010 at 12:58 PM | Get some!

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