Apparently, my film production class doesn't start until next week. So, I made that 40 minute trek-each way- in the rain for nothing. Ah well. At least I know where the building is located, and it got me out and about. I can't say that I actually disliked the walk, it's kind of peaceful and relaxing. I'll probably walk next week, too. Actually, I suppose that will depend on the weather.

My Intro to Social Psych class won't be a problem, however, my Java Programming class will probably require some dedication and concentration. So it goes, as Vonnegut would say. To tell the truth, I really do like that phrase. I curse myself. So it goes.
Currently listening to: Three Days Grace's I Hate Everything About You
Currently reading: Kurt Vonnesuck's Slaughtersuck Five
Currently feeling: exhausted
Posted by Narzack on January 5, 2004 at 11:02 PM | 1 Dropkicked

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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on January 6th, 2004 at 02:22 AM
Good way to look up at things. A walk never killed anyone...except for those poor eskimos...oh and those mohave desert indians...and...I better quit now.