Ugh, I'm really struggling through this. I'm doing my best but I just keep failing. But I'm doing my best. Last night at work sucked. Every single customer I had was a couple. Everyone. I don't think that I had one non-couple customer. Dangit. A girl came in that looked like Nikki, if you saw her out of the corner of your eye. And she stayed for like a half hour. It was agony. I had a bunch of people ask about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a movie I can't think about without thinking about her. We just put up haunted house advertisements. All it did was resurface nearly forgotten memories of the past two years and the time we went to the haunted house in Grove City together. It felt so good that night to have her with me, squeezing my hand so hard. And to top it all off, the radio station last night played two Nirvana songs in a row. I didn't even have a bloody chance.

And it didn't end last night. Today, it's raining. RAIN. All day, just what I need, for even the heavens above to mock me.

Plus, I'm now $250 in the whole.

Currently listening to: The Voice of the Rain
Currently feeling: depressed
Posted by Narzack on September 17, 2004 at 12:52 PM | Get some!

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