Like I said, I'm in the wrong manifold. What is the manifold? It's the entire set of all possible universes. If there is a possible universe, maybe one in which all of the laws of physics are reversed, then it exists. If it is possible, then it exists. For every possible choice, there exists an entire universe. Makes sense? So, there are an infinite number of universes out there, each entirely sufficient and separate from each other.

And I'm in the wrong one.

I don't belong here. I've never felt like I belonged. I've always felt unwelcome, no matter where I was. I've never felt at home. So something is wrong. Some choice was made, some action effected which had a result which was contrary to what was supposed to happen. For a long time, I've kept this feeling at bay, but no longer.

When I was much younger, I should have died. By all logical accounts and witness, there was nothing that should have kept me alive. But I survived. I wasn't supposed to. I should have died that day so long ago.

That explains the terrible dreams I have five nights out of seven. That explains why I'm haunted, why the white faces stalk me. That's why I'm so broken inside. That's why I'm so tormented.

I don't belong here. And I don't know what to do.
Currently feeling: desperate
Posted by Narzack on October 13, 2004 at 10:04 PM | 14 Dropkicked

Related Entries

Comment posted on October 17th, 2004 at 08:03 PM
The manifold's next to the carborator, right??

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 04:14 PM
No no no, bro. You are in the manifold where everyone feels alone, like they are from another universe and that things are just not quite right.

shuffdog (guest)

Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 03:40 PM
i'm all about what jBird says. he's right, (where do you get this manifold stuff? stephen hawking? 'the one'?) and you're right, this place isn't your home any more than it is mine or your brother's or anyones.

as for what to do?

i dunno, help people get home.
Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 09:56 PM
Um there is this thing called God, and he is the reason that you are still chance, but for a purpose. God let you live with a plan in store for you if you LET Him in YOUR LIFE!!! You need to pray that He will show you the way that you need to go! As the Bible says "We are in the world, not of it"....that is unless you are an unbeliever. You need to put your total faith and life into Christ's hands! Don't you get it??? Without Him, there would be nothing at all! Nothing happens by chance! We, as christians, are to read the Bible and pray everyday. And I am positive that when you were younger you were baptized which proves to the world that you are a christian. You need to start living like one!!!!! I have to go to bed now, so think about it. This is you little brother, and though I am your little brother, GOD'S words are coming out of my mouth to help YOU!!!!

Anonymous (guest)

Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 03:32 PM
Boy! I wonder where you are coming from! I wish I could explain things to you, but maybe you have to find out for yourself where you belong, because if you were to die years ago, it would have come to pass. Did your parents not show you love? Did they not love each other? I wonder where your agony comes from. God has a purpose for you and you just need to call on HIM to help you find that purpose. I believe that if you are here, you were meant to be.... :) As a believer, you are SUPPOSED to have a longing for something better and eternal so we aren't supposed to feel at home here.....
Just my thoughts :)
Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 12:52 PM
I must say that I do agree with JBird's theory about people that feel like they do belong. You're not necessarily supposed to belong. But all you really can do is make a place for you to fit. You are here, that's the thing. There's method to the madness, the hard part is seeing it. I can't give you direct advice, because I can't truly say I'm comfortable where I am. But, I can give you support, and let you know you're not the only one that feels displaced. This world was not tailored to the people in it that posess any form of even rudimentary consciousness. You're supposed to be part of a mindless mass, according to the design. Naturally, this will make your life significantly more difficult than someone that questions nothing, examines nothing, and analyzes nothing. What you and a select few others have is a gift my friend, although I'm sure more often than not it feels like a curse. All you can do is make what you can of it, while searching for more. I hope things begin to turn around for you.
Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 03:38 AM
Dude, you might not feel like you belong, but I feel like you should be here. I've only got so many boys, so many people who I grew up with-- guys I'm so close to because we were a part of each other in our early years. There are whole parts of my personality and my being that I owe to you guys: You, Woody, my little brother, James, Cheese....

And, you know, there's not that many of you, and you're some of the only people I'm ever actually, truly comfortable around.... So you might not feel like you belong here, man, but I'm sure as hell glad you're around.
Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 12:16 PM
I think everyone, once in their life should have an 'It's a Wonderful Life' experience.
Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 12:21 AM
Ok, well suppose there were an infinite number of these little manifolds. What then? You're stuck in this one. Some people weren't made to live on earth, I think. They just exist on it.

What of it? Will you whither away your only existence, bemoaning the loss? There is plenty to love, in this life but especially the next.

Anyone who reaches a point in life where they can say "Ah, this is where I belong" is either a fool, hopelessly lost, or both. Because the feeling is only for a moment. Were we made for a moment? For that one instant where we felt like we belonged? Do any of us really belong here?
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Anonymous (guest)

Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 09:50 AM
Kyle, I couldn't have said it better myself. Honestly, I don't think anyone who even attempts to philosophize on a daily basis can ever feel as though they belong. I've felt lost for as long as I can remember. I used to think that it was because I was away at college, and so I hurried up so I could come back, but now I'm here and it's the same feelings of lose. So I guess we just gotta make the best of it. I mean, I think you're right JBird--life IS the moments. Go to Fox's and eat 30$ worth of pizza and wings--then go sneak into the church and watch The Mummy. Go to the cafe that's no longer there and stand where the couch used to be, just outside the bathroom, where we all sat how many years ago? 5? 6? for your 16th birthday. Remember the lock-ins, the football on Sunday afternoons when it was so cold you could hardly catch the ball if you didn't have on gloves. Remember the summer-of 99. 'cuz I haven't forgotten. It's the moments that make us who we are, the times when we can't explain what's happening but can remember that yes, we are here, and yes, we are existing in this realm, on this mortal coil. Drive in your car with all the windows down and the AC on-in January. Remember the pool hall. Remember the bowling alley. Remember being thrown up in the air by all these football players, and you'd always land on your two feet. Remember there are always people watching you, looking up to you. I didn't land on my feet, remember? They had to pick me up and carry me to my car. You always made it look so easy, so together. And so everything's changed. So make new moments. Create new summers, new games to take the place of tennis ball wars. We couldn't have expected it to last forever, could we? Build on that. And take comfort in the fact that none of us belong anywhere anymore. We can't fit into these stupid preconceived people-molds, and so they shun us, leaving us bleeding and alone, until we take our loneliness and pain and do something about it, create something, write something, make a difference. You are one of these people, who will be pressed and squeezed until the greatness is all that is left in you and you have no room but to be who you are completely. You will change things. You will be great. It just takes this added dimension of depth from loneliness that you feel now. It will just add that much more depth to you later. That much more compassion. That much more understanding--although I find you as one of the most understanding people that I know.

Anonymous (guest)

Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 10:03 AM
*ahem, it's loss. I'm an idiot.
Comment posted on October 14th, 2004 at 12:14 PM
Faith is a hard thing to possess.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 04:16 PM
Faith is the fuel that sets us in motion, stops our hearts dead and lets us see with our eyes closed. Fact is the enemy of art and truth.
Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 01:27 PM
Everyone posesses faith in something...even if it's the belief that there's nothing to believe in. We're programmed with a need to believe in something...something that's true.

I believe that one day you will be great, if life doesn't destroy you first. But what is the greatness of this world worth? Conquer the world for a season, and the season will pass. Just as the pain of today, future's fortune will fade away.