My generation never fails to shock me. Yesterday, Haley, Andrew, Bailey and myself went to the flea market. Apparently, there is a wee little park coupled with the shoppage, so for a few hours, the B-Rad and I were to frolic on the rides. First, we sat down for a wee little lunch. Then, excited as hayel, the baby child and I started hopping in rides left and right. It was cool, until I realized that all the rides consisted of spinning around at about 452 miles per hour. In a circle. AWESOME. The first two rides were ok, no big deal. The third ride was kinda shady, what with the operator leaving for about ten minutes, leaving us riders sitting in the sun wondering when he'd come back.

Here's the good part, though. I took Bailey on the Go-Karts-another story altogether- The baby child and I were speeding along the track, having a grand ol' time. We got stuck behind some goober, and I just couldn't get around her. She kept floating in the middle of the lane, and cutting me off every time that I tried to pass. I had precious cargo with me, I couldn't risk anything thrilling, you know. When I finally did pass her, I cast a glance to get a picture of my nemesis.

I am telling the absolute honest truth here, folks: She was on her cell phone. I kid you not. She was driving around on a Go-Kart track at a funpark, talking on her cell phone.

I was absolutely shocked. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen.

Currently listening to: The Cells
Currently reading: All Families Are Psychotic- Douglas Coupland
Currently feeling: confused
Posted by Narzack on March 6, 2006 at 04:29 PM | 5 Dropkicked

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Comment posted on March 14th, 2006 at 07:54 PM
Hmm...girl driver...cell phone...moderatly protected vehicle...road surrounded by tires...Ok so I don't really know where I was going with that last one.

But my point still stands.

GIRLS CAN'T DRIVE. That's why they date and/or get married. No other reason.

Your Name (guest)

Comment posted on March 7th, 2006 at 10:47 AM
Kyle, you never cease to amaze me with your antics! You always make me laugh! You are right, though, cell phones and driving don't mix, even if it is in a go-kart course. Thank you for being so responsible with the little one. I am proud of you as always!
I love you! Mom

Hay (guest)

Comment posted on March 6th, 2006 at 09:09 PM
The wee Pintett certainly does love her Uncle K-Money.

It was a lot of fun watching you two get flung around on the rides.
Comment posted on March 6th, 2006 at 06:40 PM
heh, wow. That is lame.
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Comment posted on March 6th, 2006 at 06:38 PM
That is one of the most depressing things i've ever heard.... wow.

Hope florida is workin' out for ya alright :-) MND