And I'm not sure what to do about that. Of course I miss Dad. Especially on days like this. But when is it time to move on? I know that I'm not going to forget about him, and I won't ever try. But when am I supposed to be able to go through days like this without getting so down and lonely? When is it time to just enjoy Father's Day? Will I ever see that day? Is it today? Next year? Why don't I know? So many questions. All I know is that I'm trying to move on and just enjoy life. It's not easy, but I have a lot of help from my family and from Nikki. I don't thank her and appreciate her enough.
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me
Currently feeling: contemplative
Posted by Narzack on June 20, 2004 at 12:22 PM | 3 Dropkicked

Related Entries

Comment posted on June 22nd, 2004 at 05:26 PM
Kyle, I miss him so much too. But when Father\'s Day is going to be, is when we die and go to heaven. Every day will be Father\'s Day. We will get to praise God, and worship Him as our Father. I can\'t wait to see Dad again, and see God also.

Cori (guest)

Comment posted on June 20th, 2004 at 11:26 PM
I feel the same way. I was ok this year. kinda. but i didnt want to be around anyone. I got this card for Ken... yeah that was fun. Nothings ever easy, you just got to try it. Love you.
Comment posted on June 20th, 2004 at 08:21 PM
This one actually has a simple answer.

When your family takes a hit (divorce, death, etc.) when you are a child, then of course, some holidays are going to simply become a painful memory for a while.

This light at the end of the tunnel is this: You will one day marry the girl of your dreams (at least I\'m assuming it will be a girl). You will then be able to reproduce legally (again, assuming you do things normally). You will then build your own family. At that point in time, you will again enjoy many of the holidays that are so much of a pain these days.
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