I was at work last night, just doing my job, as is my wont. When I'm at Blockbuster, I don't really have much to think about, I'm just completely surrounded my movies that we watched together. So all I really have to do is just dwell on my life. I thought about the very earliest days of our relationship.

One day, a combination of a conversation with a friend and an acute fear of letting someone know me again caused me to almost break up with Nikki. I remember that day so well. We sat in my living room for a long time talking. And I remember the moment that I realized that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to be with her. Despite my fear, I wanted to know her, I wanted to trust her, I wanted her in my life. And I remember the moment that I told her that. The image of the look on her face is something I can never forget. I remember that look of hope and fear, excitement and relief, and a broken heart put back together. If I close my eyes I can still see her face. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Her eyes widened slightly, her mouth opened a little, the corners almost smiling. Her lips trembled for a moment and then she threw her arms around me, shaking. I felt so good at that moment. I want a moment like that.

A while ago I was briefly seeing a girl I met through a mutual friend. We had a brief fling, until the day that I realized that I belonged with Nikki. I remember that sudden shock, like hitting a brick wall. That was a wild day, too. I bought the nicest rose I could find and hitched a ride to her campus. *sigh* I waited for her for a long time. For a while, I almost threw my rose away and gave up. I had my hand hovering over the trash can, trying to let the rose fall. But I couldn't. I held on to my crazy belief that we were meant to be. So I held on. And I eventually saw her that night and threw my pride to the wind. I dropped to my knees and let her know. My heart was pounding so hard, that my vision was throbbing, my hands were shaking and damp.

I went home happy that night.

Now, well. I don't know. I only have questions now. What did all that mean? Why can't life be like a movie? Where is my miracle? Where is my rescue?

I guess the only thing I can do is just take a deep breath and keep going.
Posted by Narzack on November 14, 2004 at 03:05 PM | 3 Dropkicked

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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on November 16th, 2004 at 06:11 PM
She is out there, but you have to be ready first. You have to be in tip top shape internally AND THEN you can be there for someone else. Work on looking inward at what you dont like and at least make an attempt to push those things in a direction that will help you.

Im praying for you.
Comment posted on November 16th, 2004 at 06:28 PM
Actually, I've decided to pick up martial arts again. There's an Oom Yung Doe school down here and there's an open house this saturday that Cheese and I are going to. Score.
Comment posted on November 14th, 2004 at 05:33 PM
"I guess the only thing I can do is just take a deep breath and keep going." Exactly. As far as what all that meant... well, it was to make that memory and that time special. It's nice to have those memories, but you simply can't use them to keep you going. There's far too much life out there for you to live, and many more people out there for you to create those kinds of memories with. Problem is, when you dwell on the past, you forfeit the present. You need to make a decision, and it has to be an informed one. This isn't a situation that is completely in your hands, no matter how much you'd like it to be. Just do what you can, live your life day by day, and don't keep other potential special people out of your life because of special people from your past. This is a lesson I am learning the hard way now. I wish you good luck.
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